
Centralized garage space


ShopFlow works in the automobile garage space. Repair shops in the USA mostly use software to manage their clients and order spare parts. The largest software provider for repair shops is Mitchell1, a part of Snap-on-an NYSE-listed company. ShopFlow was created to tie the repair shops to the end clients. Using the data generated by Mitchell1’s software, ShopFlow allows the repair shop to tell customers when they need to service their car or push discounts.

For example, when the vehicle is in the repair shop using the chat mechanism, the shop can send images of other pending repairs to get price approval. All this via the user-friendly App.

KeenEye has worked together with the ShopFlow team since its inception, designing the user flows and the backend technology. The backend API is built in NodeJS and the front-end in ReactNative. A tablet app for garage workers was developed in native Android.



Native Andorid

Native Andorid

Native iOS

Native iOS







Client Testimonials

“I have worked in the auto repair industry for many years providing software solutions for automobile repair shops in the USA. From that experience I knew what repair shops lacked – which was a tool to communicate with their clients and exploit the wealth of information that they have on their clients’ vehicles. KeenEye worked hand in hand with me to create a solution that enables shop managers of owners to communicate via a modern Mobile App, Chat, Send photos and increase their efficiency. ”



CEO - ShopFlow